Saturday, March 31, 2012

Amber & Oh, Google, You Kidder

The blowing on the cartridge is brilliant.  Oh, nostalgia.


Alison said...

Haha, that was awesome :)

And the thing was - the blowing on the cartridges often worked! To the point where, if it didn't work one time, I'd take it out and just blow even harder.

(I mean NO hidden dirtiness in that statement, btw.)

ALH said...

Oh, I know, Alison. You are, after all, reading the blog of a former Super Mario Bros. III champion--I bet the game and then beat the after-game all in one sitting.

Alison said...

I bow to your awesome Marioness. I freaking miss that game so much. Wonder if it's possible to still procure an NES...