I hate moving. I hate being able to quantify exactly how much stuff I own in a box number of a number of pounds. I don't mind unpacking but packing is the worst.
In May of 2004 I moved from Avenue B to LaSalle Street. And then, in October of that same year, I moved to Madison, Wisconsin. I had another two move year in 2006 with a move from South Hanock in Madison to West Wilson in August, and then to DC in December.
But, my current apartment is a little too luxe for my budget. So, I'm thinking of moving from the Lyon one bedroom...
to the Le Mans studio.
I'm going to try to go today to see the Le Mans in person, but it sure looks pretty on the illustration. But then again, I have never seen the two very handsome young gentlemen, also featured on the website, in
The Argonne's "wireless lounge." And, to my knowledge, we have no "wireless lounge."