Friday, November 16, 2007

Amber & Scoopy Soda

Jimmy's photography has been featured on Jones Soda labels often over the past few years, but they also did his shots on black & white labels-- which always seemed like an odd choice to those of us who had seen the original color photos.

Says Jimmy:
One of my goals was to get picked for a color label, which is slightly rarer. As they say on TV, I was shocked and amazed today to discover they had picked me not only for a color label, but one of the Christmas 2007 Limited Edition assortment.That's Jimmy's photo of his friend Stella over there on the left. This is the original image.

This handsome Jimmy gift set is available for purchase directly from Jones or at a Target near you. (CRD loooooves Target-- and soda!)

Jimmy says: Happy holidays everyone!

1 comment:

CRD said...

This is Awesome. I am totally buying a pack of these Soda Pops as Stocking Stuffers.