Saturday, November 10, 2007

Amber & Cheek Pads

I learned alot about Kiko the orang utan's cheek pads today at the Ape House from Keeper Brian. Kiko is almost 20 years old. His mother is Bonnie, who also lives at the National Zoo. He has over a six foot reach, making it important to know where your rake is at all times when cleaning. His sizable throat pouch (or "waddle") helps enunciate his calls. He also has a handsome beard and, as the dominant male, poochie cheek pads called flanges. Kiko seems to like to rest his cheek pads on the mesh like a pillow. But, Brian explained that the cheek pads are actually rubbery. They are much denser and stretchier than I had thought-- not at all like Ms. Tiggy Winkle's belly.
Also, unlike Tiggy, orang utans are critically endangered and like bubble gum.

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