Thursday, November 29, 2007

Amber & Environments

As previously documented, kitties love Environments. Sometimes, environments can be Official-- items designed specifically to house kitty bodies.
But sometimes kitties will choose to lay next to those environments on a soft surface where they can take the breeze on their bellies.
Kitties love couches. They especially love blankets or pillows on couches. I once tested this and discovered that there exists a rule of Infinite Ons in the kitty environment universe; that is, a comforter is good, but a washcloth on a pillowcase on a towel on a comforter is three times better.
And, for Woody, a person on a pillow on a couch is one of the best environments ever.
I love kitties' love of environments.


Anonymous said...

This is super cutie!


That's the sound of me falling over from the cuteness.

Anonymous said...

amber, you and the kitties are such cuties! i can't wait to see you and meet tiggy and woody tomorrow. alisa
oh, and well put. simon (my kitty) is in his latest favorite environment, the newly re-discovered petco box.

ALH said...

Jimmy and Alisa, wait until you see the lemurs! Talk about cutie!