Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Amber & Action

I'll be in the office sitting at my desk all day, doing circulation stuff and trying to figure out what to do about forgetting to leave my Farm Share basket in the lobby for today's drop off. Nick will be in Boston Common putting American folks on the phone with Iranian citizens. It's what Nick is calling "people to people diplomacy." Says Nick:

"This is a campaign to bring the voices of Iranians and Americans into a discussion that is being dominated by extremists on both sides and bringing us closer to the unthinkable: nuclear war. Our leaders continue to rattle their sabers and spread fear, but we're ready to talk, and if they won't take that first step, we will take it for them. We've had enough. Enough posturing. Enough threats. Enough fear."

It's a rainy day in DC but it's supposed to get up into the mid-sixties. (Good thing I wore long johns!) I hope the weather is good, the phone lines cooperate, and there's alot of good communication and maybe some understanding. Good job, Nick!

Follow Up:
Nick says the action was a success! Early press coverage here and here and here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's a brilliant action. Talking is so simple; and yet talking across national and political barriers is so rare. It makes me a little choked up.