Tiggy is known for being shy. Some people mistake this for grumpiness, but really she's just a very private kitty. It makes sense when you realize that all her life she has been bullied by boy cats. All she really wants is a snuggly environment and a clean litter box and some cheese.
Tiggy once saved my life when we lived in D.C. She is now our official fire warden. I am trying to teach her to say "carbon monoxide" as well.
My girla cat was named after a hedgepig. Tiggy likes: environments, sunshine, chest rubs, towel touches, high up places, Madisonwisconsin hall walks, and licking the insides of messenger bags. She does not like: kittens chewing on her tail, strangers, the vacuum, the smell of lemon body lotion, being locked out in the hallway overnight on Avenue B.
I sure love my Tiggy Winkle.
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