I have a fickle relationship with assigned seating. In fifth grade, Mr. Sussman did away with assigned seating. Desks were pushed into little groups of four, and you could choose which other three people you sat with. Only, there were 21 kids in the class, which meant one kid always was at an island of desk by herself (me).
Ten years ago, I was part of the fierce and powerful opposition who ultimately defeated Moviefone's attempt to institute assigned seating in movie theaters in New York City. I could really choose my battles back then and wasn't going to let people who paid the Moviefone surcharge get a crack at a better viewing spot than me, no sir.
But then, I joined Crunch, the gayest gym ever, and for their spinning classes, they had assigned bicycle seating. I loved it. I could, by investing in getting to the gym early, make sure that CRD and I had adjacent bikes and were in a good spot where we could watch our posture in the mirror and also not be staring at the butts of others. My new gym doesn't have assigned seating which makes me a little nervous. What if the only bike is the one right in front of the instructor? What if the super fit girl who stands up every time is on the bike right in front of me and makes me feel bad about myself? Of course, it wasn't an issue last night, but what if?
Is that a picture of what spinning class looks like in D.C.? Or is that a portrait of Mrs. Sussman?
That is the first picture that came up when I Google Imaged "spinning."
It was Mr. Sussman and he was a notorious bachelor.
Crunch was SO gay. Remember that chubby Spin instructor and we wondered why we should trust his Fitness Advice and then it turned out he had lost 150 lbs and then his dad came to class once and the A/C was broken and I had to leave early due to heat exhaustion?
And remember when KRW got all those free movie tickets because he told Hoyt Cinemas he had long been a fan of their product, Seats?
The Past rocked.
I miss Ye Olden Days.
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