Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Amber & Magnificent Animals

After a happy, rich seventeen years of life, complete with cross-country adventures including rubbing his fur in the dirt on a Navajo reservation and sharing six different apartments in three different states with his people, we are all sad to learn George has left us.  He was a noble beast, a proud, big boy with a yen for loving, and a good and honorable friend to Amy and David Bee.

He will be missed.  George, I am honored to have known and loved you.


CRD said...

George sounds like one mighty fine beast.

Kevin said...

Amy: Please know that there's a lot of respect for your cat and a lot of sympathy for you in my household today.

Amy said...

Hi Amber and CDR and Kevin. Thank you so so much for your kind words and thoughts. It's comforting that folks understand what a great guy George was and why it's really sad that he's gone.