Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Amber & Melodies

Are you sitting around, unable to move on with your day, just pondering what songs I find myself humming on the A train this week?  Let me help you out of your thought-rut.

There's this one.

I bet Kevin likes that one, and not just because it references Joan Fontaine.

And then this one was my theme song for relaxation yesterday.

And not just because the video features Mary Louise Parker, who shares a middle name with me, or because it features a rotary dial phone.

And, I've been humming this Laura Viers song in the office, and not just because she makes me feel like the one and only thing separating me from being a rock star is musical talent.  Did you not get that vibe from that very polished (and unfortunately embedding disabled) Warner Brothers video?  Watch her live.

See?  I already have the novelty t's, glasses, and general demeanor.


Emma said...

At least you didn't wake up this morning with this song stuck in your head:

Alison said...

Amber, you need a YouTube Embedding Format intervention.

ALH said...

This is a very annoying thing where I have to go into the HTML and change the sizing because the default small size is still too big for my blog. You'd think it would work easier since both YouTube and Blogger are owned by Google.

CRD said...

You are balls.