Friday, May 22, 2009

Amber & Reflux Redux

So, I've had this sore throat for weeks now. And, although my friend Zyrtec is helping my other allergy symptoms pretty well, the throat thing has only gotten worse. Yesterday I had pre-cocaine Kathleen Turner's voice.

So, today, I went to see the wonderful Dr. Alexandra. I started complaining about my allergic throat and then sort of coughed and cleared my throat--coincidentally--and she got very wide eyes. Turns out that, going against House's one diagnosis that explains it all theory, my throat is unrelated to my allergies. It's the return of acid reflux.

Remember how I learned all those valuable lessons in Wisconsin about acid reflux? Well, I forgot them. In fact, (and CRD can tell us if this is irony or not) I have had donuts for breakfast twice in the past week. Bad, bad Amber.

Farewell, coffee. Farewell, tomatoes late at night. Hello, healthy eating.

1 comment:

Alison said...

I forgive you for disagreeing with my husband, Dr. House.

I love all of the things in your Vegetable Picture, although I do hope your new diet comprises more than just those items. No one should live a life without the joy that is a peanut butter & strawberry jam sammich on sprouted wheat bread.