Thursday, August 13, 2009

Amber & Copyright Infringement

Alisa's husband, James, sends this emergency dispatch from his honeymoon with the subject header "Copyright Infringement."

The real Pickles seems markedly unphased.


Alison said...

There is in fact another famous cat named Pickles.

A famous FIREFIGHTING cat, at that.

Amy said...

Where are they honeymooning? This is cute.

ALH said...

Alison, I am well aware of that other black and white cat named Pickles. The Real Pickles was actually named after a dog.

Amy, they are in Florida for two weeks: a little Disney World, a little Miami. Yesterday, they met manatees. I think they had them over for cocktails or something.

Amy said...

Manatee's rum punch is my all-time favorite (despite it being -- wait for it -- a little watery).

Ba dum bum.

I'll be here all week.