Monday, April 19, 2010

Amber & Friends of Yore

The birthday cats might look back on the pre-brother days when they had me all to themselves with fondness, but then they would be forgetting that we actually took on several borders over the years.

For example, we once hosted a summer camp on Avenue B with the gray and black cats while Kevin was hiking in the woods somewhere.

(photos of the boys by James, of course)

And maybe if she hadn't been so busy taking photos of herself in the mirror, we might have some photographic evidence of Amy being their camp counselor.

And, during our brief spell on LaSalle we hosted Alicia while Jimmy was somewhere else.
Of course, she spent most of the time under the tub playing and napping with whatever weird things were there.
 Or, she would perch precariously on top of the sheet draped over the drying rack.  (Stuff did just not dry ever at B. Bubbles, man.)
And, this was not the only time the chans spent time with Alicia.  There was, for example, a River House trip.
And, while she was waiting for her personal escort out to Wisconsin, Tiggy stayed (and peed inappropriately in protest) at Hotel James with couchmate Alicia.

I've got to think that Madisonwisconsin was Tee and DubDubs favorite apartment.  Lots of space, no feline visitors, and a whole room just for peeing.  Even if it was so cold there that I sometimes wore them as hats.


Anonymous said...

This is so epic. So many cats!

Alison said...

(I may have posted that under a different name. It was me, Alison of San Francisco.)

ALH said...

Hee hee! Most "anonymous" commenting I get is spam. I was trying to figure out how that anonymous was making money off commenting how many cats have passed through Woody and Tiggy's lives.