Monday, June 20, 2011

Amber & Kitty Blessings Day

James, inventor of the joyous Kitty Eyebrows Day, now celebrated the world over, has shared with us another fantastic holiday which he is now celebrating for his fourth year.

James explains as follows.

Today is the special Blessing of the Cats Day.
Alicia sneezed, so I said "Bless you." And Scarlett heard me in the closet and came out, so I said "Bless you too, Scarlett."

I hope you'll mark your calendars for celebration next year.  And, I can think of no better way to celebrate today than to watch this video.

Bless you, baby tiger.

P.S. Bless you, more generally, ZooBorns for being my absolute favorite baby animal news source ever. I mean, this gibbon video?  I am speechless.

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