Thursday, June 30, 2011

Amber & Lost Siblings

So, the wonderful folks from whom I adopted Ginger and Pickles, or, as they were known at the time, Raoul and Julio, just posted a bunch of photos.  They're newly noticed, but careful inspection showed they were posted on August 29, 2008... a couple of months before G&P came to live with me.  And so I feel pretty confident that this curly guy...

...and this less curly guy with the droopy eyes and very pink lips...

...are indeed my guys.  And I learned some things about them from these new postings.  For example...

...shoe laces have never been safe with Pickles anywhere near by.  Or, from the caption on this one...

...Ginger was always "mega-cute" and "very curious/sociable."  But, wait.  What did that say?

"they're not quite as curly as their brother, but still mega-cute, and very curious/sociable. yay kitties!!"

"[T]heir brother?"  That little guy there is a sibling of my G&P?

There she is having her lap time interrupted by an open-mouthed, intruding Gigi, true to his present form, only wanting attention when someone else is getting it.  Who was this strange sister of my babies, the sister I never knew they had?  Do they miss her?

Did Pickles like snuggling her as much as he does his brother now?  Did all three ever snuggle?

Is she still as curly as Pickles?  (La Perm?) Or like Gigi, is her hair long and straight?

If I had met all three on that fateful day, and they had all looked at me with those needy, lovey eyeballs...

Would I now have five cats?  And would I have no friends at all as a result?

Some questions are better left unanswered.


Amy said...

I just want to say I would totally still be your friend. Totally.

Alison said...

You totally school Kevin Drum in catblogging, just FYI.

Kevin said...

This is the sort of compelling content for which your blog is justifiably famous.

Jimmi said...

This reminds me of when Madelyn Albright found out she was secretly a Jew. But with kitties.

Amy said...

I want to like what Jimmi said but this isn't FB.