Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Amber & Signature Styles

I have been working to redefine my signature style since a) discovering that my signature lip color was disabling my cognition and b) returning to NYC.

I have lots of inspiration in the signature styles of my friends. Nick has signature sideburns. (Photos by Jimmy)

Kevin wears baggy pants and handsome shoes and Diana wears warm hats in the winter.

And, most inspiringly of all, CRD wears the Cleaning Hood.

So far, I have chosen really oversized floral handbags as part of my signature, and I'm contemplating adding print shirts, but really choosing a fashion identity can be hard work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My advice is to take it slow. You want these signature styles to arise organically rather than adopting them in one fell swoop.

But so far, so good.