Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Amber & Spring

Although it's chilly today, the first signs of spring are all around. I noticed, on my walk from my garden shed to the shed of a co-worker for a meeting on trowels, that bulbs seem to be coming up, with tiny green tips poking tentatively out of the ground.

Spring is my favorite season. I'm not such a fan of either the cold or the heat, with a comfort zone range of about 10 degrees total (66-76 degrees generally), so spring is like the best of both worlds. Plus, it is has pretty colors. Fall does, too, but the fear of oncoming winter is enough to sully fall for me.

Another powerful sign of spring is baby animals, including chicks.

(Photo by Jimmy)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel that this is the appropriate place to report that I just rode the elevator with Kevin Corrigan, the actor from such fine films as Walking and Talking. He was either going to the New York Film Academy or Bliss. He seemed grumpy and disheveled. It was quite the New York moment. :)