Friday, February 15, 2008

Amber & Special Extra Post

Kevin's Gray Boy is under the weather today. He had a visit to the vet, never his favorite, and is home now with some homeopathic drops and an antibiotic. Unfortunately, Gray Boy's english isn't so good so Dr. Schaubhut isn't sure exactly what's bothering the boy.

Gray Boy is such a noble fuzzy beasty. I love him like I love gorillas. Everybody think positive thoughts for the buddy, please? It seemed very helpful with Little Miss H.

(Amazing photos capturing the essence of Gray Boy's kittyness by James. Who else?)


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the good thoughts right now.

And I'd like to report that Little Miss H. went back to school today, really enjoyed music class, and was so excited by the whole deal that she played with her socks for an hour before falling asleep for nap.

Be well, Gray Boy.

Anonymous said...

Y'all are too nice.

CRD said...

I am thinking very good thoughts about Gray Puss right now, and playing with my socks.

Anonymous said...

Cutey cat. He needs forehead kisses.