Monday, March 9, 2009

Amber & The View From Here

My new job at Mother Goose, Inc., is different than my old job in many ways. In addition to the big difference of me not taking bus trips with the constituency, there is also a very different look to my new office.

This was the view from my old desk.

Grand and snowy. Actually, it was the view from standing up on top of my old desk. The windows were pretty high up off the floor and I was too short.

This is the view from my new office.

There are still plants, but less, and the windows are still high up, but more relative to the ground and less relative to me. And I still have my blue Garden bottle that will give my babies beards.

One big difference is that I have officemates. You met Sake already, but did you meet this guy?

Look how hard we work! He wasn't even posing for the photo. I swear.


Anonymous said...

I don't see any secret kitty.

ALH said...

Click on the photo of my desk and look closely. It may be an image of kitty if not the kitty itself....

Anonymous said...

I see secret kitty!