Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Amber & Ho Hum

I am having a Tough Time lately. First there was Woody's pneumonia (and the heart attack I nearly had from the $7,000 vet bill), then my projectile hypochondria resulted in my dragging poor panting Ginger all the way down to the vet only to discover that sometimes kittens pant because it is summer, not because their nasal polyp has grown back. Who knew?

Anyhow, I need a pick-me-up. CRD sent this suggestion. Turns out that a baby gorilla only runs you about twenty grand. Unlike all the chaos and illness that entered the home with my beloved kittens, I am sure there would be no complications from adopting a gorilla. In fact, I am sure I would save money on account of not having to buy so many gorilla booger snacks.

I will name him Gussie.


Nick said...

Do not forget there are expenses with baby gorillas. Like: hair gel.

Kevin said...

I urge you to reconsider.

Alison said...

Nick seems to be correct. This gorilla is almost rocking an Edward Cullen hairdo.