Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Amber & News Items

I have sooo many news items to report.

1. Ginger and Pickles have had their manhood stolen from them by Dr. Schaubhut.
And, while he was at it, he also removed a polyp the size of a nickel which was blocking Ginger's throat. Ginger still has conjunctivitis--and it was boogers, not glue sealing his eye shut as CRD falsely reported. Pickles is taking the loss of his manparts pretty hard; he's sleepy and mewy. But, Ginger is back trotting around the house and biting everything in sight.

2. Mandara had a baby! It's a gorilla!
You may, or may not, remember Mandara from my time volunteering at the National Zoo. She and Barack, the Zoo's silverback, had a tiny, tiny baby. They don't know yet if it's a boy or a girl, but they are 100% it is cute. You need to see the video here. Keeper Becky, who totally remembers me, sent this photo.

3. I am getting my hair did today and may abandon my six-hairs plan.
Medium hair is just so hard and medium seeming. I may need to go back to short and abandon all hope of puffs. But flips are nice, right?

4. Cranberry won.
You, my dear readers, picked cranberry as the preferred color for my yarncraft accessories. A victory for the bitter berry despite Diana's best efforts.

5. Day Four Schedule
Here we are on day four of my vacation. Day One was spent in a lump on the couch, Days Two and Three were spent bringing cats downtown for vet visits and then tending to said cats. Today is laundry and hair appointment and socializing in the evening.

6. John Berry, National Zoo Director, has accepted an Obama Appointment.
You may remember Mr. Berry from my volunteering at Zoo Lights. We talked long johns and I found him to be very personable. Maybe he needs an Assistant Director of Kittycat Management?

1 comment:

ALH said...

Here's some fantastic footage of John in his zoo kingdom.