Thursday, July 23, 2009

Amber & Laps Swum

I went swimming this morning before work. I swam laps in the medium-speed lane and also did stretching in the family lane. I like taking the water aerobics class, but it doesn't always fit into my schedule and sometimes it can be a little intense. When I get wiped out before the class ends, lest I pass out and drown, I just sort of float away from the other blue-haired ladies and make my own swim.

It's a little know fact that I was a lifeguard after high school. I worked at the New Britain public pools. I really enjoyed it, except when I had to work the kiddie pool which was always overflowing with toddlers. My lifeguarding experience was totally like you see on TV, only with less beach, more people of color, and less David Hasselhoff.

Oh, and we wore brighter orange suits.


Amy said...

Have fun at the River House, Amber! Will there be swimming? Will there be Nick? Hope you have a super fun vaca with kitties.

Alison said...

Hm. You sort of look like you're about to be sick in that picture. Too much chlorine?

ALH said...

I'm holding my breath! So I don't drown under water!

Alison said...

Oh! Well, yes...of course. :)