Friday, July 24, 2009

Amber & Iced Drinks

Earlier this week, I noted one thing I do that I know is bad for me. It started me thinking about other things where I make a hedonistic choice, where my enjoyment of the thing overrides any resolutions about not tempting fate. One such indulgence is iced beverages.

I have one just about every afternoon at work. Sometimes I have an iced green tea, with lunch at times an iced thai tea, sometimes a pombupani, and sometimes I go from tempting fate to assaulting it with full force and have an iced decaf coffee.

I know iced drinks are bad for your digestion. And I know my tummy really doesn't appreciate them. Why oh why? Because they are so refreshing. And I like straws.


Unknown said...

I don't fully believe this cold or hot drinks are bad for you stuff. Your stomach is full of corrosive acid and anything that goes to it passes through a whole path of stuff in your body. I'm pretty sure anything that you drink, boiling hot or freezing cold is the same tepid temperature when it gets to your belly where digestion happens. This don't-drink-cold stuff seems to be from the McBLT branch of holistic flippity-flap.

ALH said...

James, it is AWESOME that you made a McBLT reference. Hot side hot, cool side cool.

CRD said...

I agree with the enthusiasm about a Hot Side Hot reference.

Amy said...

I like the office pics. Cutie.

ALH said...

I am all about the office pics this week. Poor Kevin.

Alison said...

Kevin is turned away in disgust!

If iced drinks are bad, then I don't want to be good. I could never ever ever give up iced tea. Oh, the horror!

TBL said...

You are too cute. ♥