Friday, September 4, 2009

Amber & Biznuss Correspondence

I got this memo from my HR Lady when I asked her to change my Transit Flex Account allotment.
In my official capacity as the changer of WageWorks deduction denominations, I hereby communicate to you that this change will go into effect on, or near about, the 9/30 pay period as reflected on the 9/30 paystub, impacting your commuting benefit amount for the month of November as stipulated by you in your WageWorks account between October 4th and October 10th. Should you have additional questions, comments, or feedback, please examine the attached explanatory government memorandum prior to submitting them. Thank you, and have a nice day. Signed, The HR Lady
This was the government document attached. (NSFFCSP*)

I love my professional colleagues.

*Not suitable for curse-senstitive peoples.


Alison said...

We rule, it's true.

Anonymous said...

Hey! That's me!!