Saturday, February 6, 2010

Amber & Games We Play

Today, Woody and I tried combining our two favorite games: Fleece Wand and Sheet Tent.  To play, Woody went into the Sheet Tent and then I would flick the Wand just outside the main entrance to the Tent.  My buddy then darts out from his hidey place and grabs the wand, thusly:

Next, crazy head and tugging ensues.

This was great fun, and Ginger wanted to be involved.  That seemed fine with Woody: Ginger would stick his paw near the edge of the tent, and Woody would reach out and swat it.
This was another five minutes of kitty Play and Seeking Emotions, exactly what Dr. Temple Grandin would prescribe.

But then, Woody got overstimulated and lunged out of the tent.
This broke the rules as understood by Ginger.  There was a threatening posture on the back of the couch, followed by a Woody growl and a retreat back into the tent.
And thus ended Sheet Scurry.  I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday evening.  Or to use an unwashed brand new sheet.


Amy said...

I love your cats.

Nick said...

That was some detailed reportage!