Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Amber & Promotions

Last night, I got promoted.

You see, in skating class, I used to be a PRE-ALPHA level since I had minimal skating experience.  But last night, my instructor felt I was too advanced for my group and moved me over to the BETA class, thereby totally skipping the ALPHA level, and also thereby skipping learning how to stop.

But, trial by fire on ice apparently works really well for me.  Not only did I sort of learn how to snow plow and t-stop (vs. my preferred crashing into the wall), I learned how to do cross-overs without tying my legs in knots (and thereby crashing into the wall) and to do a pretty thing with one leg up in the air, kind of like this but without the outfit, partner, or grace.

I am only four years away from the gold!

I think my lucky hat is helping.  Thanks, Amy Bee, for helping me pick it out.

I also think the flower will serve as extra cushioning should my head hit the ice on the right side.


Alison said...

When will there be YouTubery of Amber & Not Crashing Into Walls?

ALH said...

There are so many obstacles to video of me skating: a) my iPhone is old and doesn't do video; b) I don't think I could skate and video myself; and c) even if someone else videoed me, I don't dare think about what my face looks like while I am skating. My teacher told me last night to be careful about sticking my tongue out (lest I fall and bite it off). So there's that.

Alison said...

I used to get warned about sticking my tongue out on the balance beam in gymnastics.

We were like, separated at birth. A few years apart.

Amybee said...

That is one fabulous hat. It's nuanced in its hues.