Thursday, October 30, 2008

Amber & Mahvelous Ladies

I love Bill Cunningham, but I don't actually know who he is. I know he's not this guy, and I know he thinks it's just wonderful how the ladies dress themselves with such individual style and flair.

Every week, he does a report on what he saw the ladies wearing from the prior week. He's always awe struck by their genius, and I get swept up in his enthusiasm. He gets mentioned alot on Gawker, where I also learned that someone tried to identity theft him! And, I also read about this scandal where he dismissed a minion. Apparently, I am not alone in my adoration.

In this week's audio slideshow, he notes how ladies are dealing with the cold weather and wind. He also goes off on a tangent about how "witch" rhymes with something he doesn't want to be mistaken for saying, so he doesn't include a photo of one in case.... well, it doesn't really make sense. But I sure love him!


CRD said...

I love him too! Excellent job with this post.

ALH said...

Did you watch this week's? What is he talking about with the owl?

CRD said...

I only watch him when you forward it to me to watch. I love Owls!