Saturday, October 3, 2009

Amber & A Turtle in the Bush

Yesterday, I went to a Mother Goose Inc. staff picnic in Golden Gate
Park. I had a hard time finding the picnic area, but it was lovely and
exotic in that West Coast botanical way. And, I made a turtle friend.
He was painted and enjoying the sunshine. Still, I would rather have
happened upon Tiggy sunning herself on a rock on Slowe Lake. A kitty
in the apartment is worth way more to me than a turtle in the bush.

1 comment:

Alison said...

You had a hard time finding the picnic area because of me, for which I hope I am forgiven and not fired.

The turtles rule. All the animals do. On our hike up the hill, Tim, Carolyn and I came across a squirrel who did not run away, but rather came up to our feet as if to say "You are the things with food!"