Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Amber & What If

One of my favorite passtimes is playing "What If." This is a fun game in which you imagine a set of circumstances and speculate as to your reaction if that imaginary event occurred. A good example of an exciting "What If" was imagined by Diana. Once a long time ago on the subway, she asked, "What if... we stopped at the station and the doors opened and Woody got on, walking on his hind legs and carrying a boom box?" I still think about this every time I ride the N or R trains. If he was playing loud music, I might say, "Woody, please turn that boom box down or use headphones!" Or maybe I would just have big eyes and forward face and be too surprised to see him to say anything.

Another great example of "What If" popped into my head today when I was getting my shoulder ultrasounded. I thought: What if... they were doing the ultrasound and instead of a muscle tear, they saw a baby growing in my shoulder?
I think I would probably scream and try to tear my own arm off.

But maybe I would be happy and name him Gus and love him forever.

What if....


CRD said...

What if...it was Summer on Monday and on Tuesday we had SNOW? WTF, Al Gore.

ALH said...

Al Gore sure ruined the environment for us by inventing the Internet. I woke up at 6 am to the sound of sleet on my air conditioner--which, yes, is still in my window.

CRD said...

Also he made that horror movie about how Everyhing Is Bad And Inconvenient. I never saw it, but I bet he had something in there about the weather and I sure blame him for today.