Sunday, June 21, 2009

Amber & Kitty Chores

One of the priority chores for the day was Getting The Fur Under Control. Some of that involved the vacuum and Swiffer, but some it involved going right to the source prophylactically with my little blue buddy, the Zoom Groom.

This is Ginger Fur which I won't have to lint roller off my pants next week.

Simultaneously impressive and disgusting, right? (I love cat fur on the cat, but off the cat it makes my lip curl.) Well, this is the Pickles yeild.

That is Pickles in the shot for scale while he attacks the brush to exact his revenge on it. I don't quite understand why he is not bald now. La Perm. I put the fur in the compost... it is just hair, right?


Kevin said...

There's no problem with putting the cat fur in the compost.

And, here's a vote in favor of the nice new tags display thingy.

ALH said...

Whew. If I got busted when I dropped off the compost, I was going to pretend it was my own hair. "What? It was really humid. That's why it's so curly."

I am learning some very, very basic HTML! I wanted a "cloud" (that's what they call it) and had to make one myself!

Amy said...

Just saying:
