Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Amber & Mornings, Good-style

I'm testing out throwing one house-chore goal into my morning routine. This morning, I did the dishes.

I didn't make a giant pot of oatmeal for breakast; that pot served as my dish pan. (Notice, CRD, it's called a dish pan.) And there are so many plates from feeding cats. Four of them. Sigh. Dish-o-librium.

P.S. Does anyone want my coffee maker? I moved it into the cabinet above the stove today to avoid temptation, but I don't foresee myself using it any time soon. I still have two french presses which I will keep to use for loose tea, but I think I should say goodbye. It has a self-clean feature and an auto-timer so it can start itself in the morning! Let me know if you're interested and you are withing carrying distance without having to check luggage.

[Update 11:49 AM: CRD claimed the coffee maker.)

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