Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Amber & Been There, Done That

Why, oh why, would someone, supposedly a BFF,  send me this photo?

Why would you torment me like that?  Why bring back all those cold, cold memories?  My arm begins to involuntarily make an "opening the door" motion just looking at it and I swear my shoulder starts to ache.

I think the person who sent this to me should say they are sorry. 

 They are so, so very sorry.  They completely understand my frustration and wish there was something they could do.  But they are just so, so sorry.  And maybe I can go see Gingerbread Adventures while I wait for my timeslot.


CRD said...

I bet whoever sent you that flyer is handsome.

ALH said...

There is zero evidence to support that wager. Except for the CRD tag on the post.