Monday, November 23, 2009

Amber & Anniversaries of Births

Today is the 46th anniversary of my longest-running favorite program, Doctor Who.

To celebrate last week, Jimmy brought down a copy of the latest episode which just aired on the BBC, Waters of Mars, and some delicious papri chaat for lunch.

(Photo from the fantastically inspiring, a midtown worker's best friend)

Jimmy and the Doctor AND Indian street food made for the most enjoyable lunch hour ever in the office.

Kevin may not have been so interested in the penultimate episode starring my most crushingest crush, David Tennant, but he sure was interested in some chaat and the fresh, hot naan that came with it.

Jimmy brought to my attention that is also Harpo Marx's birthday.

This clip from the British Queer as Folk is perfect for today, merging, as it does, things Doctor Who-related and birthdays.  (Also, the show's creator was also the person responsible for the revival of the Doctor in the 21st century, which explains what K-9 is doing at a gay birthday.  Thank you, Russel T. Davies.)

Bloody brilliant, as they say.


CRD said...

K-9 or K-Y ? Because one is obvious.

Alison said...

Amber, that clip said it was for mature audiences only. It's a good thing I didn't check your blog at work, otherwise I would have had to report you to Emma for sexual harassment.

I love naan, too.