Sunday, August 31, 2008

Amber & British Booty


...(pictured here in front of Buckingham Palace, where he seems to have stayed) is back from vacation in England with his mom......(pictured here in front of the Glenlivet spring from whence they drank). England is, at the moment, just as crazy about Doctor Who as I am. While overseas, Jimmy saw a production of Hamlet (his full review and professional photography is here) which featured the Doctor in the title role. Then, while browsing in Hamley's, Jimmy discovered a treasure trove of Doctor Who toys!

The toys ranged from reproductions of very, very cool props from the current series... little homunculi of the Doctor in his various incarnations...

...and even some of his buddies.

James reports, "They also have a big Dalek head you can put on to make your voice sound like a Dalek."

Britain is sure Great.

1 comment:

CRD said...

Cheerio James! Thanks for my awesome postcard.