Thursday, August 21, 2008

Amber & Dream Teams

You may have noticed that I didn't get to blog yesterday. It was my mulch manager's last day in the garden, and I needed to very quickly learn everything she knew about mulch before she left.

While I was busy mixing organic residues, grass clippings and Raiser's Edge queries, James was busy assembling his Dream Nero Wolfe Team in the form of icons for his hard drives.

Although we disagree on the merits of the A&E series, A Nero Wolfe Mystery, we agree that there was some amazing casting. I am absolutely smitten with Timothy Hutton's Archie Goodwin. He's everything I imagined while reading the novels and maybe even a little more dapper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Hutton a lot as Archie, as a concept, but the snappy suits are another over-the-top stylistic thing of the show. Archie is snappy, but in the context of the time, not as some sort of Beau Brummel.

Did you notice who's playing Theodore?