Saturday, November 21, 2009

Amber & So Many Questions

This video, called "Kitten that occupies bed," posted by a user named LoveScottishFold has occupied a big chunk of my mental energy this morning.

Have the Japanese invented some new kind of e-collar?  Why does that little buddy guard the bed so feverishly?  Is he a trained guard kitty?


Alison said...

I don't know what the point of that collar is, but it sure is adorable. I think my cat would kill me in my sleep if I put that on her.

jimmi said...

I think this is a more-humane Elizabethan post-surgical collar -- that's why it's got that medical cross on it.

ALH said...

But, what's that guy doing? Did he have surgery? Did he hurt his knee? Why is he so crazy about guarding the bed?