Friday, November 20, 2009

Amber & More Famous Celebrities

This is Ginger and me doing our impression of Michael Richards squished up against me on the uptown C train after work. He got off at 81st Street. At that point, a man on the train said, to no one in particular, "Kramer.". And we all felt acknowledged. I also felt stupid for having thought a C on the express track would go express.


CRD said...

If I were Michael Richards I wouldn't go much higher than 81st Street on the C train.

Alison said...

I concur with CRD. I was going to say - I hoped he managed to keep his witticisms to himself.

And by "witticisms" I mean, blatant racism. You know, like you do.

Hi Ginger!

Nick said...

I can't stop thinking how great Seinfeld would have been with Ginger as the wacky neighbor!