Friday, January 8, 2010

Amber & Delirium

I have a fever of 102° F.  I Googled to find out why every muscle in my body hurt so, so incredibly badly and learned that it's because the temperature dehydrates you on the cellular level.  I am drinking lots of liquids, taking Ibuprofen and Oscillococcinum, and wearing a hat.

In my haze, I swear Emma suggested I eat Rainbow Brite.  And I keep seeing cats-- everywhere I look there are cats.  I must be delirious.


Alison said...

Oh no! Feel better, Boss Lady! I hope the cats make you some soup. Or if they are bad cooks, maybe CRD will help.

ALH said...

Nick has been keeping me in tea all day and is making me some soba noodles now. I am thankful for the well wishes. And also for Ibuprofen.

Emma said...

Rainbow Brite is a fantastic cure for what ails ya.