Saturday, January 9, 2010

Amber & Signs of Recovery

My fever is down to 99.5°F today, after a really really rough night of alternating chills and sweaty-fits.  My throat is ridiculously sore today, though, so much so that I am trying to avoid swallowing.

So, I am still confined to my sick bed, kitties, tea, and laptop.

I swear someday I am going to finish painting that wall.


Alison said...

There is a cat missing from that picture. Is Ginger making soup? (If mine eyes are not deceiving me and that is in fact Tiggy next to you...)

ALH said...

Who do you think took the photo, Alison? (Correct identification of Tiggy.)

Jimmi said...

I thought that was the Samsquanch taking the picture.

Alison said...

I thought maybe you'd set a camera on a timer and then jumped into bed. But if Ginger took it, then I am quite impressed. You should tell the media about her. scoop (at) motherjones (dot) com