Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Amber & The Simple Pleasures

In the middle of the night, I made a sleepy attempt to reclaim my pillow from Woody.  Although there are two pillows on the bed, he likes to lay on mine, and I know it's not about togetherness because he often winds up nudging my head off the pillow altogether.  So, sometime before dawn, I decided, in my half-awake state to try to create an environment more enticing than my pillow.  And it worked.

It's now the most sought-after environment in the house.

It's just a bunched up sheet on the other side of the bed, with a pillow against it, but I guess that's very snuggly.  (Sorry, CRD.  In the darkness of night, I thought it was my yellow sheet.  I will, of course, wash it again before returning it.)

You'll note that Pickles is snuggled down on the environment with Howl, the wolf bean bag toy.  This is a sign of a truly great environment-- it's comfy enough that you can bring and nap with your prey.

(See Howl sticking out under his tail?)

Of course, the whole point of the environment was to improve my sleeping, and Woody's arrival with Howl, making all kinds of primal, well, howls, was not so conducive to that effort.  But, it sure is a good environment.


Amy said...

That is so gosh darned cute!

ALH said...

Pickles has this way of looking shifty when you take his photo. He looks really hunkered down there.

Alison said...

My cat's favorite environment seems to be on my pillow, but only with her back end towards my face. I keep trying to explain why this is less nice for me, but she seems not to care.

Amy said...

He does look both shifty and hunkered. Oh Pickles with the furry between toes. I adore you from afar.