Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Amber & Too Much of a Good Thing

Moderation. It's a tough concept living as we do in a more, more, more, Supersize, buy in bulk America. I have trouble with Moderation in some key areas: namely coffee (it tastes so good, and they make it in Venti!), programs (is it wrong to watch the whole season 2 of Hart to Hart when it's right there on Hulu?), and food (salad is so good for me, if I just have thirds won't I be all that much more healthy?).

But excess leads to sleeplessness, an unvacuumed living room, and not fitting in pants. And those things lead to woe. The path to excess is paved with pairs of pants that don't fit right in piles in a messy living room that annoy you when you're up at 3 a.m.

Sometimes, excess is accidental. Like when your doctor accidentally gives you a higher mg dose of your allergy* meds than you usually get and so you keep taking one-and-a-half pills until you realize you've actually doubled your dose and that might be why your hands are shaking and you're getting nosebleeds.

I really, really need to do more yoga. Yoga is the panacea for what ails me.

* Some people are allergic to anxiety.


CRD said...

That is funny about the allergies.

Also, that burger looks hot.

ALH said...

Isn't it just, isn't it just like an American to think that burger looks hot?

CRD said...

I no longer love the color of your Sass.

Anonymous said...

What do you know about those people posing with the burger? Are they the creators, or maybe did they win it in a contest?

ALH said...

If you click on the burger, it takes you to the source story where I found it.