Thursday, June 25, 2009

Amber & Healthy Eyeballs

It's official. My eyeballs are healthy. I saw Dr. Leeber Cohen this
morning and he said so. Only, he also left me with dilated pupils so
large that I can't see anything and am now at work waiting to be able
to read again.

I was pleased to learn that they no longer do the puff of air test
which I always failed by not being able to keep my eye open. Now, they
touch your eyeball with an electronic wand. Not as scary somehow.

1 comment:

Alison said...

You're nutso. I've never had either test done, but I cannot stand the thought of anything other than air touching my eyeball. Electronic wand?? OMG kill me.

Every time they do that horrible needle-through-the-pupil test on House, I cover my ears and squeeze my eyes shut and make scaredy noises. I think I would have a heart attack or at least a panic attack if they ever tried to do that to me.

P.S. I'm glad your eyes are healthy.