Saturday, January 5, 2008

Amber & Crazy Head

For years, I have been trying to document the phenomenon of Crazy Head, that state of kitty play where kitty fantasy takes over and the kitty's body acts in response to the imaginary stimuli of kitty make-believe. But, like a sasquatch, Crazy Head is tough to catch on film. The very act of taking the photo pulls the kitty out of Crazy Head and back into the real world.

Woody was deep in Crazy Head, attacking my hand and the sheets and rolling around when I snapped this shot. Magically, all of the signs of Crazy Head are gone: no pushed back ears, no wide eyes, no jerky head movements, no wild and jittery scampering.

This one of Tiggy is slightly better. You can at least see her ears back, and the intensity of her gaze. But there's no sense of the angular contortions associated with the state of Crazy Head.

Jimmy comes the closest in this shot. The ears are back, her gaze is intent, she's obviously attacking the banana with ferocity. But still, the essential-- well-- craziness of Crazy Head is just missed.

Do you have documentary evidence of Crazy Head? If so, e-mail me and I'll post them.

1 comment:

CRD said...

Crazy Head is SO hard to capture! I will endeavor. Boobs!