Saturday, September 27, 2008

Amber & Hypoglycemia

Woody, Tiggy, Nick and I saw Dr. Schaubhut this morning. I love him. He thinks Woody's fit was a sign of hypoglycemia. Not eating (I had to withhold breakfast in prep for the vet) and being stressed about travel were probably enough to send the boy's sugar levels reeling. If it ever happens again, I should feed the boy some sugar A.S.A.P.-- or just make him wear a candy hat like I found on this fantastic blog WTF Knits.

Dr. Schaubhut thinks the cats are maximally stressed out. He suggests a thorough house-cleaning of a spiritual kind-- lavender, sprayed Rescue Remedy, Feliway diffusing, sage smudging, and some holy water sprinking. I'm on it. He also suggested I get a kitten. I'm on it.

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