Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Amber & Squirrel Season

Don't worry: my lack of a post yesterday wasn't a sign that I was kidnapped by Diana's friends the squirrels. But, boy, are they abundant these days! I guess they are busy storing nuts for the winter, but it also seems possible that they are plotting to take over America while our economy is so weak. Maybe they're been saving up all these years and plan to buy out the remaining banks with acorns.

A squirrel wandered into my hallway a couple of weeks ago and seemed very confused. But maybe he was really just acting confused and on a reconnassaince mission. Maybe he is planning on buying my building! I bet squirrels would be great landlords. Although, their policies might not be so cat-friendly.

I think we should study up on our new masters and their squirrely ways. Nick found this photo gallery as a start.


CRD said...

It is IRONIC that short-haired Diana Lyon has my job. Especially ironic on a day in which *I* got a haircut.

Anonymous said...

Glad this one is tagged as "tempting fate."