Thursday, December 13, 2007

Amber & Baby Jymmy

My office does a nice holiday program with the Salvation Army called Angel Tags where you choose a gift tag with a child's name and age and buy that child an outfit and a toy. I selected Jymmy, who is 6 months old. One of my co-workers picking his tag at the same time as me seemed to be selecting his tag very carefully and explained his criterion was for the child to be the same age as his own child. I said my goal was to pick a child with at least two Y's in his name.

Kevin & Diana helped me pick out the gifts. For the toy, I got Jymmy a cloth book with a high-relief dog face on the front and a cloth bone toy to hide on different pages. For the outfit, I got a long-sleeve thermal onesy with blue stripes and a blue cotton pull-on pant.

I hope Baby Jymmy and his mom like his gifts. I just have to run out to CVS and get a gift bag and some tissue paper and then the gift will be ready to go to its recipient.


Anonymous said...

This is super-cutie and makes me feel weepy.

ALH said...

It makes me feel nice to be helpful to a babe during the holiday season. Like with Baby Jesus, if the wise men had given him a dog-face book.

Anonymous said...

I think you should go to the office gift drop-off event instead of just leaving it in the bin. It's a nice program, and you might as well get the whole experience. (Unless you have a schedule conflict.)

ALH said...

I have a conflict. Party is at 3 PM and I have a one hour appointment out of the office at 2. I didn't realize that earlier. I am shy about office parties.

Anonymous said...

As a certified MOM, I feel you made excellent choices in your baby toy and clothing picks. Nice job, AmberH.