Friday, December 7, 2007

Amber & Hazel & Snow

I am not alone in my love of snow-- Hazel loves it too. This was Hazel's first snow since she became a toddler. Wee Baby Hazel certainly experienced some last year, but I doubt she full grasped its meaning at age four months. This year, Amy & David, have a back yard with which to collect the stuff for Hazel's investigation.

I'm sure snow will be one of the topics when next I visit with Hazel in Brooklyn on New Year's Day. I haven't see the young miss since her parents' wedding this summer (which was the nicest day) and so we have quite alot of catching up to do. Other topics will likely include walking, eating raspberries, and being on the big kid side of daycare.

(Photo by Proud Mother Amy Borrell)


Anonymous said...

best blog post ever. And you've had a string of winners, so that's saying something. I will now proceed to forward this link to everyone I know.


ALH said...

In the interest in the integrity of citizen journalism, I want to disclose the fact that Amy made Hazel with her body and is therefore biased. But, that is the cutiest picture ever. Powder Pink is certainly Miss Hazel's color.

CRD said...

That is what we call down under "a cute baby."